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Celebrating Gryffindor pride!

We continue the house pride celebrations and today it’s the turn of Gryffindor house.

Gryffindors can be proud of the bravery and courage displayed by members of their house. They can also be proud of being the only other house apart from Slytherin to have been awarded the Pottermore House Cup so far, meaning that this is their chance to repeat their victory and draw level with Slytherin overall.

Whether displaying their house colours or participating in our creative challenge, today is the day for Gryffindors to roar. So, get ready to be creative and parade your pride in the Great Hall and your common room, as well as on Facebook, on Twitter using the hashtag #GryffindorPride, and on other social networks. Let everyone know how proud you are to be a Gryffindor!

Gryffindor-themed Facebook and Twitter cover images
For the last house pride week we created some cover images for your Facebook and Twitter profiles. Having seen how much the community enjoyed and used them, we’ve decided to create some new cover images that we hope you like:

Facebook Cover Image

Twitter Cover Image

Twitter Background Image

Colour your own crest
We’ve got a creative challenge for all young Gryffindors: Colour your house’s crest and submit it here. To participate you can print this image, colour it, scan it and submit it. For those who are skilled with image editing software, they can also edit the file directly on their computers (you can find a tutorial on how to submit images here).


What makes you proud to be a Gryffindor?
Answer on this Facebook post or on Twitter using the hashtag #GryffindorPride

We hope all Gryffindors enjoy this day! Revisit the Pottermore Insider on Friday as we’ll be sharing our favourite displays of Gryffindor pride.

Celebrating Hufflepuff pride!

The awarding of the House Cup is only a week away, and today’s the day we celebrate all things Hufflepuff, who currently hold the lead in the House Cup standings.

Hufflepuffs can be proud to be members of the most loyal and trustworthy of houses. They have much to be proud of but, since Hufflepuffs aren’t known to be boastful, you may not be aware of some of their more illustrious members, such as Newt Scamander – the authority on magical creatures – and Hengist of Woodcroft, who founded Hogsmeade village.

So Hufflepuffs, get ready to be creative and parade your pride in the Great Hall and your common room as well as on Facebook, on Twitter using the hashtag #HufflepuffPride, and on other social networks. Let everyone know how proud you are to be a Hufflepuff!

Hufflepuff-themed Facebook and Twitter cover images
For the last house pride week we created some cover images for your Facebook and Twitter profiles. Having seen how much the community enjoyed and used them, we’ve decided to create some new cover images that we hope you like:

Facebook Cover Image

Twitter Cover Image

Twitter Background Image 

Colour your own crest
We’ve got a creative challenge for all young Hufflepuffs: Colour your house’s crest and submit it here. To participate you can print this image, colour it, scan it and submit it. For those who are skilled with image editing software, you can also edit the file directly on your computer (you can find a tutorial on how to submit images here).


What makes you proud to be a Hufflepuff?
Answer on this Facebook post or on Twitter using the hashtag #HufflepuffPride

We hope all Hufflepuffs enjoy this day! Revisit the Pottermore Insider on Friday as we’ll be sharing the best displays of Hufflepuff pride.

The best of house pride week

In the run up to awarding the fourth Pottermore House Cup we asked the Pottermore community to display their house pride, and we have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating each house and witnessing the amazing and diverse ways that proud Pottermore community members celebrate their affiliation.

To help you display your pride we shared some cover and background images for Facebook and Twitter profiles, which you can find here for Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. We also took a poll of some of your favourite wizards and witches from each house, challenged you to share your pride and gave the younger ones a creative challenge. Read on for our take on the best of house pride week!

We really hope that you enjoyed house pride week and now it’s time to take all your pride and turn your attention to the awarding of the Pottermore House Cup as every point earned still counts. In accordance with past award ceremonies, the hour-glasses displaying the house points will be concealed on Tuesday and the winner will be unveiled on Thursday in the Great Hall.

Creative challenge
We prepared a creative challenge for younger members of the Pottermore community, and out of all submissions received, we’ve chosen eight of our favourites of each house crest and created the collages below.


This collage was made using the following submissions:

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In order of appearance: ChaserSky39, DawnAuror7054, DragonNox29136, NewtMarauder140, PatronusSpell8915, MirrorDawn2242, SnitchNight5294 and ThornGlow12548.


This collage was made using the following submissions:

In order of appearance: ChaserSky39, ChevalierClÇ14767, DragonNox29136, DragonVine79, LightSand5166, NewtMarauder140, RookBronze9154 and SnidgetRune28278


This collage was made using the following submissions:

In order of appearance: AvisSpirit580, ChaserSky39, DragonNox29136, DustSnitch18261, HeartQuest150, NewtMarauder140, NightYew6883 and PurpleStorm24426


This collage was made using the following submissions:

In order of appearance: EyeDragon29190, NettleGold758, NewtMarauder140, SkyOwl31004, StarDust77, VifThorn14935, VolanteNox134 and WizardBlood11483

Thanks everyone for participating!

Poll Results
We organised a poll for each house asking the community to vote for their favourite witch or wizard from that house. You can find the results below.

Slytherin Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)

Severus Snape might not be everyone’s favourite professor in Potions classes, but the Pottermore community voted for him as their favourite Slytherin wizard in this poll.

Ravenclaw Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)

Garrick Ollivander was your favourite Ravenclaw wizard in our poll, and it comes as no surprise, given that his fine wands have been put to use by many members of the Pottermore community when duelling or brewing potions on Pottermore.com.

Gryffindor Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)

The witches were the stars in Gryffindor’s poll, being the two most popular choices of Pottermore community members. Hermione Granger was voted the most popular Gryffindor with more than 30% of the votes.

Hufflepuff Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)

Hogsmeade may be a favourite with Hogwarts students, but it seems that popularity isn’t enjoyed by its founder Hengist of Woodcroft. Instead, Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff’s Quidditch Captain, was voted as Hufflepuff’s favourite wizard in this poll.

Our favourite Pottermore.com comments and tweets

Over 10,000 messages were shared about house pride week on Facebook and Twitter as well as Pottermore.com, showing the great pride members take in belonging to their houses. These are some of our favourite messages from members of the community:

Slytherin House

Ravenclaw House

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Gryffindor House

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Hufflepuff House

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Brasileiro? Danske? Nederlands? Polski? Português? Svenska? The digital Harry Potter stories are available in new languages

We are delighted to announce that the Harry Potter eBooks are now available for even more readers around the world; you can purchase them in Danish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil) and Swedish – exclusively from the Pottermore Shop.

The full collection of digital audio books are also available in Danish, Dutch and Polish, and the first two stories are available in Portuguese (Brazil).

When you visit shop.pottermore.com, just click on the book you’d like to purchase and then choose your book language as seen in the image below:

When you create an account on the Pottermore Shop you can download each story that you’ve purchased up to eight times to whichever device you wish. All of our available eBooks and digital audio books can also be sent as gifts.

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Harry Potter e-bøger og digitale lydbøger kan nu fås på dansk - eksklusivt fra Pottermore Shop. Når du opretter en konto hos Pottermore Shop, kan du downloade alle de historier, du har købt op til otte gange til din foretrukne enhed. Du kan også købe dem og sende dem som gaver.

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De e-boekversie van de Harry Potter-verhalen is nu exclusief in de Pottermore-winkel voor het eerst in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar, samen met de drie bijhorende verhalen voor het goede doel: Zwerkbal Door De Eeuwen Heen, Fabeldieren en Waar Ze Te Vinden en De Vertelsels van Baker de Bard. De Harry Potter-reeks van zeven boeken zal ook in digitaal audioboekformaat verkrijgbaar zijn. Zodra u in de Pottermore-winkel een profiel hebt aangemaakt, kunt u elk verhaal dat u hebt aangekocht tot acht keer in het gewenste formaat downloaden. U kunt ze ook aankopen om aan iemand te schenken.

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Po raz pierwszy dostępne są elektroniczne wydania powieści o Harrym Potterze w języku polskim. Można je nabyć wyłącznie w sklepie Pottermore, wraz z trzema napisanymi na cele dobroczynne książkami: „Quidditch przez wieki”, „Fantastyczne zwierzęta i jak je znaleźć” oraz „Baśnie Barda Beedle'a”. Licząca siedem tomów seria zostanie wydana także w formacie audio. Po utworzeniu konta w sklepie Pottermore można do ośmiu razy pobrać każdą zakupioną książkę na dowolne urządzenie. Publikacje te można także kupić i wysłać jako prezent.

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As edições em e-book das histórias de Harry Potter estão disponíveis pela primeira vez em português, em exclusivo na Pottermore Shop, juntamente com as três histórias complementares, escritas com propósitos beneficentes – O Quidditch Através dos Tempos, Monstros Fantásticos e Onde Encontrá-los e Os Contos de Beedle o Bardo. Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal e Harry Potter e a Câmara dos Segredos estarão também disponíveis em formato de audiolivro digital em português (Brasil). Se já criou uma conta na Pottermore Shop, pode transferir as histórias que adquirir até oito vezes, para o dispositivo que pretender. Também pode enviá-las como presentes.

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As edições em e-book das histórias de Harry Potter estão disponíveis pela primeira vez em português (Brasil), em exclusivo na Pottermore Shop, juntamente com as três histórias complementares, escritas com propósitos beneficentes – O Quidditch Através dos Tempos, Monstros Fantásticos e Onde Encontrá-los e Os Contos de Beedle o Bardo. Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal e Harry Potter e a Câmara dos Segredos estarão disponíveis em formato de audiolivro digital. Para uma experiência de compra mais fácil, o site da Pottermore Shop também estará em português. Quando criar uma conta na Pottermore Shop, pode transferir as histórias que adquirir até oito vezes, para o dispositivo que pretender. Também pode enviá-las como presentes.

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Böckerna om Harry Potter finns nu för första gången tillgängliga som e-böcker på svenska, endast i Pottermore-butiken, tillsammans med ytterligare två böcker som har skrivits för att samla in pengar till välgörenhet - Quidditch genom tiderna och Fantastiska vidunder och var man hittar dem. Så snart du har skapat ett konto i Pottermore Shop kan du ladda ner varje bok som du har köpt upp till åtta gånger till vilken enhet du vill. Du kan också köpa dem för att skicka som gåvor.

Browse the eBook and digital audio book selection at the Pottermore Shop >>

Your favourite Moment in 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' on Pottermore.com

Over a month ago, the final instalment of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released on Pottermore.com. We hope you enjoyed exploring the third book in its entirety and today we’d like to ask you which of the Moments in Prisoner of Azkaban is your favourite?

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Is your favourite shown here? Or did you prefer another Moment from the latest book? Discuss you favourite beneath the Moment itself on Pottermore.com; or tell us which is your favourite and why on Facebook, or on Twitter using the hashtag #PrisonerOfAzkaban.

'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'

Which is your favourite Moment featuring Hermione Granger?

Congratulations Hufflepuff on winning the fourth Pottermore House Cup!

On Thursday September 12th, yellow shone through the Great Hall as Hufflepuff won the fourth Pottermore House Cup. Members of Hufflepuff were seen in high spirits in the Great Hall under their house banners, surrounded by loud cheers. Members of Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw brought pride to their houses by graciously accepting defeat and congratulating the winners.

It was a hard fought competition and during the past four months each one of the four houses held the lead at one point or another, but it was the hard-working Hufflepuffs that managed to reach the award ceremony on top. It is the first Pottermore House Cup victory for Hufflepuff house, which we’re sure makes it all the more special for them.

As a reward for winning the House Cup, members of Hufflepuff house will receive 24 hours early access to the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Hufflepuffs will receive a Pottermore.com Owl Notification to let them know when the early access begins.

We know that Hufflepuff house worked hard to win, but for the first time we’re bringing you some insights about what else members of the four houses got up to on Pottermore.com between this House Cup Championship and the last.

The Pottermore team would like to congratulate all Hufflepuff members on this well deserved victory, and commiserate Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Now that the fourth Pottermore House Cup has been awarded, it's time to turn your attention to the next Pottermore House Cup and help your house achieve victory by winning duels and correctly brewing potions.

Your favourite Moment in 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' on Pottermore.com

Last week we conducted a poll of some of your favourite Pottermore.com Moments from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Having read many of your comments beneath Moments, it was quite difficult for us to choose ten Moments for you to vote for, but it seems it was even more difficult for the Pottermore community to decide which of these ten was their favourite with 'Riddikulus', 'Honeydukes', 'Lupin's Tale' and 'Time-Turner' being the most voted for as can be seen below.

(Left: Pottermore Insider votes, Right: Facebook votes)

Although there wasn’t a clear winner, the Moment that came top of our poll was 'Honeydukes' for Pottermore Insider voters and 'Time-Turner' for our Facebook voters.

Are you surprised by the results of this vote? Which Moment was your favourite and why? You can discuss your favourite beneath that Moment on Pottermore.com, as well as on our Facebook page or on Twitter using the hashtag #PrisonerOfAzkaban

Happy Birthday Hermione Granger!

‘Fine!’ said Hermione suddenly, getting up and cramming Unfogging the Future back into her bag. ‘Fine!’ she repeated, swinging the bag over her shoulder and almost knocking Ron off his chair. ‘I give up! I’m leaving!’

‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’ 

Today we’re celebrating Hermione Granger’s birthday by showcasing some of our favourite artwork submitted by members of the Pottermore community. But first, we’ll be highlighting some of the Pottermore.com Moments featuring Hermione:

Pottermore.com Moments featuring Hermione

In anticipation of her birthday, we asked you which of the Pottermore.com Moments featuring Hermione was your favourite, and today we’re celebrating by highlighting some of your replies:

Are you curious about other Moments that feature Hermione in the first three books? You can find a list below and explore them on Pottermore.com.

Artwork submitted by Pottermore.com members

Today we’ve been sharing some of our favourite drawings of Hermione, as submitted by the very creative Pottermore community. There are some fantastic submissions from our skilled community.

Happy birthday Mr Ollivander!

‘Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we’ll find the perfect match here somewhere – I wonder, now – yes, why not – unusual combination – holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple.’

‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone’

Garrick Ollivander revolutionised the way wands were made, and today we’re celebrating his birthday by highlighting some of the drawings of him submitted by members of the Pottermore community.

Can you remember your wand’s core and wood? Share it beneath this Pottermore.com entry about Mr Ollivander, on this Facebook post or reply to our tweet using the hashtag #WandThatChoseMe

In order of appearance: bladerook21093, runestone147, seekersword206, shadowjinx155 and snidgetsun23075

Hufflepuff’s early access to the first instalment of ’Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ will begin today

Hufflepuffs, your early access to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire will begin at 12 noon BST today, Monday September 30.

Hufflepuff’s early access to the first instalment of ’Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ has begun

We’re pleased to announce that members of Hufflepuff house can now enjoy early access to the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire– the prize they thoroughly deserve as winners of the fourth Pottermore House Cup. 

Please note this early access will only be available to members who were sorted into Hufflepuff house before the fourth Pottermore House Cup was awarded.

Members of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin will be sent an Owl Notification to confirm when the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire opens to all to explore.

The first instalment of ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’ is available to explore on Pottermore.com.

We’re excited to announce that all members of Pottermore.com are now able to explore the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Soak up the atmosphere of the Quidditch World Cup, find a Chudley Cannons badge in Ron’s bedroom at The Burrow and witness the terrifying Dark Mark in the sky for the very first time.

You’ll also be able to listen to the first ever Pottermore.com audio entry from J.K. Rowling, as she reveals the story of the most notorious Floo Network mishap.

Don’t forget that you can share your thoughts on every book, chapter and Moment as you move through Harry’s Storyline on Pottermore.com. If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, you can join the conversations there too.

It’s time to visit Pottermore.com...

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Le premier épisode de Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu est à présent disponible sur Pottermore.com. Tu y découvriras de nouveaux textes inédits de J.K. Rowling à déverrouiller, comme par exemple une passionnante explication des complexités du réseau de la poudre de Cheminette.

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I primi capitoli di "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco" sono ora disponibili per essere esplorati su Pottermore.com. Contenuti inediti scritti da J.K. Rowling ti aspettano per essere sbloccati, tra cui un nuovo testo che fornisce maggiori dettagli sulla complessità della Metropolvere.

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Du kannst nun den ersten Teil von „Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch“ auf Pottermore.com erkunden. Es gibt brandneues exklusives Material von J.K. Rowling zu entsperren, wie zum Beispiel einen neuen Text, der mehr über die Komplexität des Flohnetzwerks preisgibt.

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La primera entrega de Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego ya está disponible para ser explorada en Pottermore.com. Hay nuevos y exclusivos textos de J.K. Rowling a los que podrás acceder, incluida una entrada que proporciona más información sobre las complejidades de la Red Flu.

There's something new from J.K. Rowling to discover today on Pottermore.com...

You might want to pay a visit to one of the Moments from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; a Moment that features a well-known character who prides himself on his Memory Charms...

  • The exclusive new entry by J.K. Rowling that can now be discovered in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is about...

  • Happy birthday Minerva McGonagall!

    Few students would dare to cross her, and so we wouldn’t dare to forget that today is Minerva McGonagall’s birthday!

    In J.K. Rowling’s exclusive entry about Minerva McGonagall, we learned more about the Deputy Headmistress, Head of Gryffindor house and Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

    Having read this exclusive entry, and from what you know of Professor McGonagall from the fiction, what do you think would be the perfect birthday present for her?

    You can answer this question by clicking here and commenting beneath the entry, or on this Facebook post, as well as on Twitter using the hashtag #HappyBirthdayMcGonagall

    We also couldn’t stop ourselves from celebrating her birthday by sharing some of the very creative artwork submitted by members of the Pottermore community.

    What did you enjoy discovering about the Floo Network?

    Poll: Which of the following places would you least like to end up in if you were to experience a Floo Network mishap?

    In the exclusive new Floo Network entry by J.K. Rowling, we learnt about Violet Tillyman’s mishap when travelling via the Floo Network (if you haven’t read it yet, you can find it here).

    Well, today we’re asking you which of the following places you’d least like to end up in if you were to experience a Floo Network mishap.

    Is there any other place you’d dread ending up? You can answer this question as a comment beneath the exclusive entry by J.K. Rowling here, on this Facebook post or on Twitter using the hashtag #Mishap. We will feature some of our favourite answers next week!

    Submit your own Portkey drawing

    In the Moment ‘The Misty Moor’ from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire we saw different Portkeys including a mouldy-looking old boot, a punctured football and a drinks can. We also discovered more about Portkeys in an exclusive new entry by J.K. Rowling.

    Today we’re bringing you a creative challenge: Be inventive and submit your very own drawing of a Portkey here! Remember that, although Portkeys can be made from any object, they are typically unobtrusive things to avoid attracting the attention of Muggles!

    If you aren’t sure about how to submit an image, you can read the following tutorial.

    Your answers to our question on the Floo Network mishap

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