Channel: Pottermore Insider
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Happy Birthday, Filius Flitwick!

Some of the teachers, like little Professor Flitwick, gave up trying to teach them much when their minds were so clearly elsewhere; he allowed them to play games in his lesson on Wednesday, and spent most of it talking to Harry about the perfect Summoning Charm he had used during the first task of the Triwizard Tournament.

‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’

He may need to stand on several books to blow out his candles, but if that doesn’t stop Professor Flitwick celebrating then it won’t stop us either. We’re showing some of our favourite drawings of the Head of Ravenclaw as submitted by the Pottermore community:


In order of appearance: lightkey65, newtphoenix127, scaledust101, shadowblade64 and spellscale112

You can also celebrate Professor Flitwick’s birthday by joining in and uploading your very own drawing of him to Pottermore.com

Your favourite collectible in the first instalment of ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’

A shamrock hat, a 50 pence piece and leprechaun gold are just some of the collectibles you’ll find in the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but which collectible is your favourite? You can vote in the following poll: 

Submit your drawings of Molly Weasley’s hand-knitted sweaters to celebrate her birthday next week

Next week is Molly Weasley’s birthday and we’ll be celebrating her birthday by highlighting our favourite drawings of her hand-knitted sweaters, submitted by members of the Pottermore community.

You can submit your drawing here and if you’re wondering how to upload a drawing, you can find a tutorial here.

Our favourite artwork of portkeys submitted by members of Pottermore.com

Last week we set you a creative challenge to submit your very own Portkey drawing on Pottermore.com. We received many very creative submissions and today we’re excited to highlight some of our favourite ones.

Image submitted by: AvisCat27815

Image submitted by: GoldSeeker23809

Image submitted by: LightGoblet92

Image submitted by: OakWolf6554

Image submitted by: OwlCharm3649

Image submitted by: PurpleRiver122

Image submitted by: ScarletChaser25592

Image submitted by: SkyDream6668

Image submitted by: SkyGold9775

Which is your favourite submission? You can vote on the following poll:

There is an exclusive new entry by J.K. Rowling to unlock on Portkeys on Pottermore.com. If you haven’t read it yet, you’ll be able to find it in the ‘The Misty Moor’ Moment.

Fantastic beasts on the Pottermore map

Last month, Warner Bros. announced that J.K. Rowling would be making her screenwriting debut with 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them', a completely new narrative inspired by the book written for Comic Relief. The charity book features a compendium of fantastic beasts - did you know that there are some magical creatures to be found on the Map on your Pottermore.com Homepage?

Can you spot them and identify which fantastic beasts they are? Answer on this Facebook post or on Twitter using the Hashtag #FantasticBeasts

This Hallowe’en…

Poll Results: Your favourite collectible in the first instalment of ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’

Leprechaun gold might disappear after few hours, but Pottermore.com members still seem to prefer it to collecting Muggle money, according to the results of our poll on your favourite collectibles from the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on Pottermore.com.

There also seem to be many Quidditch fans amongst Pottermore.com members who wouldn't want to miss a good Wronski Feint, as the most popular choice of collectible was the Omnioculars with over 43% of the votes on the Facebook poll!

You’ll find the results of the poll on Facebook and the Pottermore Insider in the graph below.

Happy birthday, Molly Weasley!

‘You’re all right,’ Mrs Weasley muttered distractedly, releasing Mr Weasley and staring around at them all with red eyes, ‘you’re alive ... oh, boys ...’

‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’

She gave Harry one of his first real Christmas gifts, and today we’re celebrating Molly Weasley’s birthday by highlighting some drawings submitted by Pottermore.com members, inspired by this very same gift.

You can find them below:

 Drawing submitted by: OakWolf6554

Drawing submitted by: AvisSpirit580

 Drawing submitted by: StrikeSword30411

Drawing submitted by: DraconisRook6339

Drawing submitted by: LightGoblet92

Have a spooky Hallowe’en in the Great Hall!

… they reached the Entrance Hall and crossed into the Great Hall. It had been decorated with hundreds and hundreds of candle-filled pumpkins, a cloud of fluttering live bats and many flaming orange streamers, which were swimming lazily across the stormy ceiling like brilliant watersnakes.

‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’

Enjoy Hallowe’en in the Great Hall

Have you noticed that, for the first time, the Great Hall on Pottermore.com has been decorated for Hallowe’en? If you’ve never visited the Great Hall, now is a great time to do so! Visit the Great Hall by clicking here and say hi to other Pottermore.com members.

Remember you will only be able to access the Great Hall once the Sorting Hat has sorted you into one of the four Hogwarts houses.

Enjoy Hallowe’en in Pottermore at PlayStation Home

Users of Pottermore at PlayStation Home will also be able to enjoy Hallowe’en festivities in the Great Hall space, where they’ll be able to soak up the spooky atmosphere as they play the Charms at Hallowe’en mini-game.

Other additions to Pottermore at PlayStation Home this month include an exciting new personal apartment in the form of a Dark Wizard Mansion, and those who are so inclined can own their own set of Death Eater robes.

Don’t miss our special November offer at the Pottermore Shop


If you’re thinking about reading or re-reading the Harry Potter stories sometime soon, now is a great time to visit the Pottermore Shop and get your digital copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, because there's a special offer on both the eBook and digital audio book throughout November.

Enjoy Hagrid's booming entry into the hut on the rock and the moment where he gives Dudley a curly pig's tail; snigger at Ron's attempt to turn his fat rat yellow; sing along (in your favourite tune) to the Hogwarts school song; recall the many wise words of Albus Dumbledore; and shudder at the mention of Volde... You-Know-Who.

Why not treat yourself to the first story in the series from the Pottermore Shop, or even give it to someone as a gift?

Listen to the US audio sample of the digital audio book here

Listen to the UK audio sample of the digital audio book here

Don't miss the special November offer on the first eBook and digital audio book in the Harry Potter series, only at the Pottermore Shop!

Ne ratez pas notre offre spéciale de novembre sur le premier eBook de la série Harry Potter, en exclusivité dans le Pottermore Shop !

Non perderti l'offerta speciale di novembre sul primo e-Book e il primo audiolibro digitale della serie di Harry Potter, solo su Pottermore Shop!

Lass Dir das November-Sonderangebot für das eBuch und das digitale Hörbuch der Harry Potter Serie nicht entgehen - nur im Pottermore Shop erhältlich!

No te pierdas la oferta especial de noviembre para el primer libro electrónico de la serie de Harry Potter, ¡solo en Pottermore Shop!

2013 年 11 月中は、シリーズ第 1 巻『ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石』を割引価格でお求めいただけます。お買い求めは Pottermore Shop へ!

 Não perca a oferta especial de novembro para o primeiro e-book e livro de áudio digital da série do Harry Potter. Somente na Pottermore Shop!


Discover the Book of Potions in the Hogwarts library

You might want to revisit the Restricted Section in ‘The Library’ Moment, and try to find the Book of Potions - a text by Zygmunt Budge from the 1500s, the subject of which is the most mysterious and misunderstood branch of magic.

What’s more, discovering this collectible will earn you a new Pottermore Badge for your collection!

PlayStation® 3 owners will soon be able to brew powerful potions in their living room with Pottermore’s new title for Wonderbook – Book of Potions.

Wonderbook: Book of Potions will be available in the US from November 12, in select European countries from November 13, and in the UK and Ireland from November 15.

If you’re ready to master the subtle art of potion-making, watch the trailer below:

Pottermore.com at your fingertips

Being able to use Pottermore.com on a tablet device has been a popular request by members of the Pottermore community, and for this reason, we’re excited to share the news that the entire website is now compatible with leading tablet devices!

Not only will the new interactive Moments be at your fingertips, but you’ll also be able to touch and tap to duel other wizards and brew magical potions (make sure you don’t get your fingertips too close to the flames!).

If you have a tablet device, why not try Pottermore.com on it now? You can share your feedback with us on Facebook if you have an account, or on Twitter using the hashtag #Pottermore.

Wonderbook: Book of Potions is now available

We’re so excited about the new Pottermore title for Wonderbook – Book of Potions. Now you can brew magical potions in your living room in this brand new augmented reality experience, brought to life on Wonderbook for PlayStation®3.

In your quest to become a champion potioneer for Hogwarts™…

You’ll be guided by Zygmunt Budge, a brand new character from the imagination of J.K. Rowling. Zygmunt Budge was a noted potioneer, one of the most accomplished ever known in the wizarding world. His masterpiece, the Book of Potions, has been kept in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library for hundreds of years, and with it, Zygmunt needs your help to achieve what he considers to be his rightful place in wizarding history.

Let Zygmunt tell you all about the Book of Potions in this video:

Dust off your copy of the Book of Potions and you'll be able to:

  • Master powerful potions such as the Shrinking Solution, Doxycide and Felix Felicis.
  • Trick a troll, battle Red Caps and encounter pixies in an enchanted garden.
  • Read enchanting stories from the past of mysterious potions and draughts.
  • Chop, crush and stir ingredients into your cauldron using your PlayStation®Move Motion controller.

Zygmunt Budge’s Book of Potions is the second Pottermore title for Wonderbook. The first was Miranda Goshawk’s Book of Spells, and you can read more about it here.

Your favourite Moment in the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

It’s been a few weeks since we released the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on Pottermore.com, and now that you’ve had chance to explore it we’d like to know which of the Moments is your favourite.

Since there are so many Quidditch fans among you, we’d bet ten Galleons that ‘The Golden Stadium’ will be one of your favourite Moments, but would we lose our bet? You can prove us wrong (or right!) by voting on the poll below:

Happy birthday Silvanus Kettleburn!

‘… well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs.’

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

His retirement was marked with the gift of enchanted wooden limbs, which needed constant replacement due to his love of visiting dragon sanctuaries, so today we’re choosing to mark the birthday of Silvanus Kettleburn by highlighting our favourite drawings of dragons submitted by Pottermore.com members.

In order of appearance: nimbusdawn194, cloakgold82, AccioSky49, keyscarlet79 and acciolight26857

The Pottermore Shop special November offer ends this Saturday

Happy Birthday, Bill Weasley!

“Bill came as something of a surprise. Harry knew that he worked for the wizarding bank, Gringotts, that he had been Head Boy of Hogwarts, and had always imagined Bill to be an older version of Percy; fussy about rule-breaking and fond of bossing everyone around. However, Bill was – there was no other word for it – cool.”

We’re not sure where Bill will be spending his birthday as he might be busy breaking curses in Egypt, but wherever he is, we hope he doesn’t receive any gifts from his old pen-friend in Brazil!

Happy birthday Bill!

Drawing by: pixiesun31

Drawing by: keyflame179

Drawing by: GaleoneFirebolt26946

Poll Results: Your favourite Moment in the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

A few days ago we bet that ‘The Golden Stadium’ would be one of your favourite Moments from the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Did you prove us right or wrong? Find out in the poll results shown below.

Interestingly, we noticed that in this poll, Pottermore Insider readers and Pottermore’s Facebook fans voted differently: whereas the most popular choice on the Insider was ‘The Campsite’ and its hundreds of colourful tents, almost half of our Facebook fans voted for ‘The Weasleys Arrive’. We wonder if it had anything to do with seeing the Dursleys’ spotless living room covered in dust and bits of brick…

Winter has come to the Great Hall and Diagon Alley!

“The Great Hall looked magnificent. Not only were there a dozen frost-covered Christmas trees and thick streamers of holly and mistletoe criss-crossing the ceiling, but enchanted snow was falling, warm and dry, from the ceiling.” 

‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’

If you feel a chill when entering the Great Hall on Pottermore.com, it might be from the everlasting icicles – the festive decorations are now up!

Visit the Great Hall to soak up the merry atmosphere and whilst you’re at it, why not leave a festive message for other Pottermore.com members?

Winter has also come to Diagon Alley, which is now covered by a blanket of snow, so if you are in need of some potions ingredients or a new cauldron, now is the perfect time to visit Diagon Alley to soak up the wintry atmosphere (but mind your step on the slippery snow-covered cobbles!).

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