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Nuovi capitoli, nuove funzioni e una nuova Homepage per Pottermore.com

Oltre ad aver reso disponibili i capitoli conclusivi di Harry Potter e il prigioniero di Azkaban, abbiamo anche introdotto alcune nuove funzioni appositamente create per aiutarti a navigare in modo intuitivo in Pottermore.com, permettendoti di scoprire e rivisitare con facilità tutto ciò che ha da offrirti questo sito Web interamente gratuito di J.K. Rowling.

Ti riepiloghiamo qui di seguito le principali nuove funzioni, descrivendoti come renderanno diverso il tuo viaggio attraverso Pottermore.com e il tuo modo di interagire con il resto della comunità di Pottermore.

Una nuova Homepage di accesso al sito

C’è una Homepage tutta nuova da scoprire su Pottermore.com. La Homepage comprende ora un nuovo modo di seguire i Momenti della storia di Harry (il Navigatore della Storia) e una nuova Mappa che indica dove puoi trovare e accedere a tutte le attività a cui prendi regolarmente parte, come preparare pozioni, sfidare a duello altri studenti o fare acquisti in Diagon Alley. 

Il Navigatore della Storia – La storia di Harry

Su Pottermore.com la storia di Harry Potter è rappresentata attraverso una serie di Momenti interattivi illustrati. Poiché aggiungiamo continuamente nuovi Momenti, volevamo riuscire a offrirti una navigazione più semplice, affinché tu possa trovare e rivisitare i tuoi Momenti preferiti. Il Navigatore della Storia ti permette di navigare con facilità cliccando sulle icone che rappresentano i diversi Momenti disponibili su Pottermore.com.

I Momenti che non hai ancora visitato appaiono sul Navigatore della Storia con icone in bianco e nero, mentre quelli che hai già esplorato sono rappresentati da icone a colori.

La Mappa – Il tuo viaggio

La Mappa indica tutti i luoghi e le attività disponibili a Hogwarts e dintorni, che stai vivendo durante questo tuo viaggio. Per accedervi è sufficiente cliccare sulla posizione della Mappa che desideri raggiungere. Via via che Pottermore.com continuerà a evolversi, aggiungeremo alla Mappa nuovi luoghi e attività, che potrai scoprire e vivere.

La Barra Superiore

La nuova sottile Barra Superiore mostra un riepilogo del tuo profilo e delle tue recenti attività. Via via che collezioni oggetti nei diversi Momenti, vedrai che si andranno ad aggiungere in tempo reale al tuo baule e i Distintivi più recenti che hai collezionato appariranno su questa barra insieme ai tuoi Messaggi del Gufo e allo Stemma della tua Casa (dopo aver preso parte alla Cerimonia dello Smistamento).

La Barra Laterale 

Nella parte destra dello schermo trovi la nuova Barra Laterale che contiene tutti gli aggiornamenti e notizie, così sarai sempre sicuro di non perderti le ultime novità.

Quando esplori un Momento della storia di Harry, la Barra Laterale ti indica la presenza di “Informazioni su” oltre alla nuova funzione “Momenti Collegati”, che ti mostra una serie di icone di Momenti con personaggi, luoghi o temi simili a quelli del Momento che stai esplorando.

Esplorando i Momenti

La Barra di Scoperta

Se temi di non aver visto un Galeone nascosto o l’Ingrediente di una pozione, o di esserti perso uno degli esclusivi testi inediti di J.K. Rowling, la nuova Barra di Scoperta disponibile alla base di ogni icona ti permette di verificare di aver esplorato interamente ogni Momento indicandoti se c’è ancora qualcosa da scoprire. 


Simboli nei Momenti

Nuovi Simboli sullo sfondo delle icone dei Momenti indicano dove puoi trovare testi inediti di J.K. Rowling e altre nuove interessanti scoperte: 

Il simbolo della Piuma Rossa sarà presente sull’icona di ogni Momento che contiene testi inediti di J.K. Rowling, così non ti perderai mai questi contenuti approfonditi.

Il simbolo della Sfida ti informa che il Momento contiene una sfida, come ad esempio “Disinfestazione del giardino dagli gnomi” o “Cattura dei folletti della Cornovaglia”.

Assicurati di aver attivato il volume quando vedi il Simbolo dell’Altoparlante, poiché indica che in quel Momento potrai ascoltare un breve brano tratto dagli audiolibri digitali.

Commenti sui Momenti e nuove Pagine Libro

Ognuno dei sette libri presenta ora una Pagina Libro con una sinossi della storia e, se desideri condividere i tuoi pensieri con la comunità Pottermore, potrai leggere e lasciare i tuoi commenti su ogni libro, ogni capitolo, ogni testo inedito di J.K. Rowling e addirittura su ogni singolo Momento, via via che esplori la storia. 

Una nuova Homepage di uscita dal sito 

Dopo che ti sarai scollegato, la tua Homepage di Pottermore.com mostrerà le ultime notizie della comunità e indicherà nuovi contenuti che potresti non aver ancora scoperto.

Per chi accede per la prima volta, la nuova Homepage di uscita offre una stuzzicante panoramica del mondo di Pottermore.com, con la possibilità di scegliere le opzioni “Prova un Momento”, “Lancia un incantesimo” e “Prepara una pozione” per scoprire cosa offre Pottermore.com prima di effettuare la registrazione. 

The final instalment of 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' is available to explore on Pottermore.com


We’re thrilled to announce that today, on Harry Potter’s birthday, the final instalment of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban has been released, and Chapters 16 to 22 are now ready to explore on Pottermore.com.

Encounter Dark creatures including Red Caps, Grindylows and Hinkypunks in the Defence Against the Dark Arts exam and travel back in time with Harry and Hermione. You can also unlock five new exclusive entries by J.K. Rowling, including Remus Lupin’s biography.

As well as discovering everything these concluding chapters have to offer you’ll also be able to familiarise yourself with all of the new features we’ve been telling you about over the past few weeks and start enjoying them as you explore the new chapters. You can find a summary of the new features on Pottermore.com here.

Don’t forget that you can share your thoughts with the Pottermore community on every book, chapter and Moment as you go along, as well as in your common room and the Great Hall. If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, you can join the conversation there too.

It’s time to visit Pottermore.com...

Nous sommes ravis de t'annoncer que les tout derniers chapitres de Harry Potter et le Prisonnier D’Azkaban viennent d’être mis en ligne sur Pottermore.

Gli ultimi capitoli di Harry Potter e il Prigioniero di Azkaban sono ora disponibili su Pottermore, pronti per essere esplorati.

Du kannst ab sofort die letzten Kapitel von Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban auf Pottermore erkunden.

Los capítulos finales de Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkaban están disponibles en Pottermore para que los puedas explorar.

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!

"Are you insane?" said Harry, his voice easily as croaky as Black's. "Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Have you got a house? When can I move in?"

 Chapter Twenty, The Dementors’ Kiss, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

As well as celebrating the release of the final instalment of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on Pottermore.com, today we’re celebrating the birthday of the Boy Who Lived by showcasing some of our favourite artwork submitted by the Pottermore community.

We’re starting our celebrations with the results of our poll, where we asked you which of Harry’s brave acts from the first three books really stands out to you. On Facebook and here on the Insider you all agree that Harry's bravest act was trying to save Sirius from the Dementors on the lake shore.

We’ve received hundreds of submissions of Harry artwork from members of the Pottermore community on Pottermore.com and here are just some of our favourites:
Image uploaded by PatronusUnicorn156

Image uploaded by PhoenixNimbus29579

Image uploaded by AsphodeiGlow82

Image uploaded by BladeDawn16386

Image uploaded by FangLuna16193

Image uploaded by  BronzesParks31151

Image uploaded by SwordGlow1530

Image uploaded by MoonCloak31638

Share this Pottermore Insider article to celebrate Harry’s birthday!

What will you discover…?


Have you discovered the new Signed-out Homepage yet, and had a good look around? The latest community news is now displayed here along with highlights about new content that you might not have discovered.

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have also noticed that the image from our previous Homepage – a tower room containing a small table with a book upon it – is now a fully explorable Moment. Even if you are one of our most experienced Pottermore.com users, and you are well versed in exploring Moments, we suggest you use our new ‘Try a Moment’ feature – you never know what you might find…

Share your drawings of Ginny Weasley for her birthday later this week

Later this week we’ll be celebrating Ginny’s birthday by highlighting some of our favourite artwork submitted by the community. Whether you’re as good at drawing as Dean Thomas or not, share your very own drawing with us here.

To help inspire you, we’ve provided some examples below that were submitted in celebration of Neville’s, Dobby’s or Draco’s birthday.

Image uploaded by FeatherWolf10587

Image uploaded by ScaleSeer4272

Image uploaded by FeatherAsh26716

Which is your favorite Moment from the final chapters of 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban'?

There’s been lots of buzz around the new Moments that were released on Pottermore.com last week, and we’ve seen members of the Pottermore community discussing them in great detail and with real enthusiasm. Now you’ve had a while to enjoy them, we would like to ask you which Moment is your favourite and why?

Share your thoughts in the Great Hall or your common room on Pottermore.com; or, if you have an account, tell us on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #PrisonerOfAzkaban.

New Moments have been added to 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone'. Have you discovered them yet?

If you visited Pottermore.com recently, you may have noticed that a few new Moments were added to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. If you haven’t discovered them yet, here are some hints as to which parts of the story these new Moments depict:

  • ‘Ain’t no safer place. Not one. Except Hogwarts’
  • ‘Tricky customer, eh? Not to worry, we’ll find the perfect match here somewhere – ’
  • ‘You’re in safe hands (though I have none)’ 
  • ‘Bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses’ 

Make sure you have the sound turned on when visiting these new Moments so that you can enjoy the sound effects and a snippet from the digital audio book as you explore them!

Did you enjoy these new Moments? Share your thoughts beneath the Moments themselves on Pottermore.com; or let us know your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #Pottermore

Your favourite collectible from Chapters 16 to 22 of ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’

From Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Beans to alarm clocks, the Moments on Pottermore.com contain a wealth of collectibles for you to discover and add to your Trunk. Chapters 16 to 22 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban were no exception, and we’re curious to know which of the items you’ve recently collected is your favourite.

Discuss why you voted for a certain collectible in the Great Hall or your common room on Pottermore.com;  or on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #PrisonerOfAzkaban.

Happy Birthday, Ginny Weasley!

'Ginny Weasley, blushing furiously, turned up with a ‘get well’ card she had made herself, which sang shrilly unless Harry kept it shut under his bowl of fruit.'

The Marauder’s Map, Chapter Ten, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Today we’re celebrating Ginny Weasley’s birthday and many Pottermore.com members have joined in by submitting their very own artwork in celebration of her.

We’ve received lots of submissions and selected some of our favourites below:

Submitted by BloodRain 21520

Submitted by AvellanoDust20376

Submitted by StrikeSword30411

Submitted by QuaffleEcho14278

Submitted by SilverIce6538

Did you discover the roller collectible in ‘Professor Lupin’s Office’?

When we interviewed a member of the Pottermore creative team last month, ahead of the release of the concluding instalment of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, she told us about a collectible placed in the ‘Professor Lupin’s Office’ Moment that she hoped the community would find amusing. 

As you might have guessed already, she was referring to the roller – a hint to the Defence Against the Darks Arts Professor, who occupied the same room during the previous year.

Did you find the roller? And did you make a connection to Professor Lockhart? Let us know by commenting beneath the Moment on Pottermore.com; or on our Facebook page or Twitter using the hashtag #PrisonerOfAzkaban

The Pottermore community’s favourite new Moments

Last week we asked you which of the recently released Moments is your favourite and why. We received lots of answers on Twitter and Facebook and many interesting comments on each of the Moments. Today we’re highlighting some of our favourite ones:

Here are some of the comments posted on Pottermore.com:

Moment - 'The Man in the Shadows'

Moment - 'Lupin's Tale'

Moment - 'Sirius and Buckbeak Escape'

Moment - 'Prongs'

Moment - 'Porfessor Lupin's Office'

Moment - 'Back to London' 

And some replies from our Twitter users:

And finally, some comments from our Facebook page:

Get your broomstick ready for the latest Pottermore at PlayStation Home update

A new Pottermore at PlayStation Home update has been released, bringing you more iconic locations and exciting new mini-games. Read on to find out more and watch this short trailer to view the latest updates:


Explore the Hogwarts Library
Enter the Hogwarts library and, whilst you soak up the atmosphere amongst the library’s vast shelves, gather fragments of the Harry Potter™ stories that you can piece together in the Reading game.

Play Wizard Chess
Play as a king, rook or even a pawn in this giant version of the popular wizarding game.

Fly through the Forbidden Forest
Participate in an illicit Broomstick Race in the Forbidden Forest as you compete against friends and foes alike, casting spells to take and hold the lead.

Don’t forget that you can link your PSN ID with your Pottermore.com account to import your wand and your house, enter your house common room, and access additional content.

If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, let us know your favourite new game on Pottermore at PlayStation Home using the hashtag #PottermoreAtPSHome and, if you’ve entered a Broomstick Race, share your times too!

Next week is Percy Weasley’s Birthday!

We’re not sure Prefect Percy would approve of a party, so instead we’ll be celebrating his birthday next week by sharing some of our favourite answers to the following question: Which is your favourite quote from or about Percy in the first three Books?

You can answer by commenting on the Percy Weasley Read About page on Pottermore.com. You can also answer this on Facebook if you have an account or on Twitter using the hashtag #PercyWeasley

Your favourite part of J.K. Rowling’s exclusive new entry on Remus Lupin

When we asked you about your favourite Moment from the final instalment of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the most popular answer by far was ‘Professor Lupin’s Office’, mainly because it contains exclusive, new writing by J.K. Rowling about a character who is loved by so many of you.

Today we want to ask you: What did you find most interesting about the new writing on Remus Lupin? Tell us on the ‘Professor Lupin’s Office’ Moment; or if you have an account, you can discuss on our Facebook page or on Twitter using the hashtag #RemusLupin

This week 392,347 Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Beans were collected on Pottermore.com

From Galleons to Chocolate Frog Cards, thousands of collectibles are collected on Pottermore.com every week. Today we’re looking at the number of tasty (or sometimes rather disgusting) Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Beans that were collected by Pottermore.com members this week.

Recently we asked you which Every-Flavour Bean you would most fear eating. Check out the results of the poll here

Happy birthday Percy Weasley!

‘I certainly didn’t authorise this, Professor!’ said Percy, puffing himself up indignantly.

Chapter Thirteen, Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Prefect Percy isn’t known as the most humorous of Hogwarts students (a role that his twin brothers were only too keen to undertake), but it appears he still managed to amuse us all in his own way in the Harry Potter stories.

Last week we asked you for your favourite Percy quotes from the first three books, Weatherby him or about him. These are some of our favourites:

‘Oh, are you a Prefect, Percy?’ said one of the twins, with an air of great surprise. ‘You should have said something, we had no idea.’
‘Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it,’ said the other twin. ‘Once –’
‘Or twice –’

‘A minute –’

‘All summer –’

‘Oh, shut up,’ said Percy the Prefect.

Chapter Six, The Journey from Platform Nine and Three – Quarters, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
Suggested by Cody LeMaster, Anand Vishnu, Insomnis Queen, Autumn Blakemore and Katie-Jo Loa on our Facebook page and @Aliakoch8 @Ajburns on Twitter

‘Is he – a bit mad?’ he asked Percy uncertainly.

‘Mad?’ said Percy airily. ‘He’s a genius! Best wizard in the world!
But he is a bit mad, yes. Potatoes, Harry?’

Chapter Seven, The Sorting Hat, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
Suggested by Bruno Guerreiro on our Facebook page and @LuisJorgePixel on Twitter

‘We tried to shut him in a pyramid,’ he told Harry. ‘But Mum spotted us.’

Chapter Four, The Leaky Cauldron, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Suggested by Mark Rogers, Andrea Baas and Jay May on our Facebook page

‘How’re we getting to King’s Cross tomorrow, Dad?’ asked Fred, as they tucked into a sumptuous chocolate pudding.
‘The Ministry’s providing a couple of cars,’ said Mr Weasley. Everyone looked up at him.
‘Why?’ said Percy curiously.
‘It’s because of you, Perce,’ said George seriously. ‘And there’ll be little flags on the bonnets, with HB on them –’

‘– for Humungous Bighead,’ said Fred.

Chapter Four, The Leaky Cauldron, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Suggested by Jackie Hutchins, Rachel Redhead, Allison Love, Noula Karaszi, Vinoth Tss and Marissa Simpson on our Facebook page, @ria1984 and ‏@sarahjnastrj on Twitter

 ‘Let me through, please,’ came Percy’s voice, and he came bustling importantly through the crowd. ‘What’s the hold-up here? You can’t all have forgotten the password – excuse me, I’m Head Boy –’

Chapter Eight, Flight of the Fat Lady, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Suggested by Dan Haimes, Chelsey Ortega, Hélène Crowley and Ashley Cook on our Facebook page, @Ishitasood and @patkneazle on Twitter

‘Harry – make sure you win,’ said Percy, in an urgent whisper. ‘I haven’t got ten Galleons. Yes, I’m coming, Penny!’ And he bustled off to join her in a piece of toast.

Chapter Thirteen, Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Suggested by Chanté Lee, Sophia Keksmonster, Lupe Rodriguez on our Facebook page

‘I certainly didn’t authorise this, Professor!’ said Percy, puffing himself up indignantly.

Chpater Thirteen, Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Suggested by Vic Bailey on our Facebook page

Poll Results: Your favourite collectible from Chapters 16 to 22 of ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’

We recently asked you which is your favourite collectible from the final instalment of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and the results are now in:

Pottermore’s Facebook fans seem to have a sweeter tooth than Pottermore Insider readers: the Chocolate Bar was undisputedly the most popular collectible by far on our Facebook poll. Although the Chocolate Bar also topped the Pottermore Insider poll, it faced stiffer competition from the Montrose Magpies Quidditch Badge and Exploding Bonbons.

Announcing house pride week and the fourth Pottermore House Cup

It's been a little over four months since the last Pottermore House Cup winners were announced, so as experienced Pottermore.com members might have guessed, it’s nearly that time again.

The winners of the fourth Pottermore House Cup Championship will be announced on September 12th.

House pride week will take place next week

Just like last time, the week leading up to the awarding of the Pottermore House Cup will be your chance to show off your house pride. If you missed the previous celebrations, house pride week is the perfect time to express what you love about belonging to your house.

You can see the best of the last house pride week in this Pottermore Insider article.

In order that you don’t miss out on your house’s day, you can find the dates below:

Monday September 2nd – Slytherin
Tuesday September 3rd – Ravenclaw
Wednesday September 4th – Gryffindor
Thursday September 5th – Hufflepuff

Awarding the fourth Pottermore House Cup

The fourth Pottermore House Cup will be awarded on Thursday September 12th.

Slytherin’s ambition for the Pottermore House Cup has so far led them to two victories, whereas Gryffindor’s daring has helped them to win one. We’re sure both houses aim to repeat their triumphs, but will the wit of the Ravenclaws or the hard work of the Hufflepuffs help one of them to claim their first Pottermore House Cup victory?

On top of the honour of winning the House Cup, members of the winning house will also be awarded 24-hours early access to the first instalment of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire once it is released.

Celebrating Slytherin pride!


In the lead up to the Pottermore House Cup being awarded we’re celebrating house pride week, the week to express the pride of belonging to your house, and we’re starting with the winners of the third House Cup: Slytherin.

There are many reasons to be proud of being a Slytherin. They are known for looking after one another and students chosen for Slytherin house have the potential to be great. Their ambition and determination led them to go down in Pottermore history as the winners of the inaugural Pottermore House Cup, as well as being the first and, so far, only house to win the House Cup twice.

Slytherins, participate in today’s creative activity and share your pride with friends and house members alike. You can join in the conversations in the Great Hall and in your common room as well as on Facebook, on Twitter using the hashtag #SlytherinPride, and other social networks. Let everyone know how proud you are to be a Slytherin!

Slytherin-themed Facebook and Twitter cover images
For the last house pride week we created some background images for your Facebook and Twitter profiles. Having seen how much the community enjoyed and used them, we’ve decided to create some new ones that we hope you’ll like:

Facebook cover image

Twitter cover image

Twitter background image

Colour your own crest
We’ve got a creative challenge for all younger Slytherins: Colour your house’s crest and submit it here. To participate you can print this image, colour it, scan it and submit it. For those who are skilled with image editing software, you can also edit the file directly on your computer (you can find a tutorial on how to submit images here).


What makes you proud to be a Slytherin?
Answer on this Facebook post or on Twitter using the hashtag #SlytherinPride

We hope all Slytherins enjoy this day!  Revisit the Pottermore Insider on Friday when we’ll be sharing our favourite displays of Slytherin pride.

Celebrating Ravenclaw pride!


This week on pottermore.com we’re celebrating house pride week, a week dedicated to expressing the pride of belonging to your house. We kicked things off yesterday by celebrating all things Slytherin, today we continue with Ravenclaw, who achieved a very honourable second place in the last Pottermore House Cup and are well positioned to put up a fight for the current Championship.

There are many reasons to be proud of Ravenclaw and its achievements as a house. The ready-minded Ravenclaws have contributed inventions of great significance to the wizarding community, such as Ignatia Wildsmith’s Floo powder and Garrick Ollivander’s revolutionary way of crafting fine wands.

So Ravenclaws, get ready to be creative and display your pride in the Great Hall and your common room as well as on Facebook, on Twitter using the hashtag #RavenclawPride and other social networks. Let everyone know how proud you are to be a Ravenclaw!

Ravenclaw-themed Facebook and Twitter cover images
For the last house pride week we created some background images for your Facebook and Twitter profiles. Having seen how much the community enjoyed and used them, we’ve decided to create some new background images that we hope you like:

 Facebook Cover Image

 Twitter Cover Image

Twitter Background Image 

Colour your own crest
We’ve got a creative challenge for all the younger Ravenclaws: Colour your house’s crest and submit it here. To participate print this image, colour it, scan it and submit it.  For those who are skilled with image editing software, you can also edit the file directly on your computer (you can find a tutorial on how to submit images here).

What makes you proud to be a Ravenclaw?
Answer on this Facebook post or on Twitter using the hashtag #RavenclawPride

We hope all Ravenclaws enjoy this day! Revisit the Pottermore Insider on Friday when we’ll be sharing our favourite displays of Ravenclaw pride.

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