On Friday, we asked you to choose the Moment that you would like revealed in our sneak peek of the upcoming chapters of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Your votes are in and your chosen Moment is Hagrid's First Lesson:
In this Moment, Harry, Hermione, Ron and their classmates attend Hagrid’s first Care of Magical Creatures class and encounter the impressive Hippogriffs in their paddock.
We can now officially confirm that you’ll be able to explore this Moment in full for yourself from this Thursday, 20th December, when the first chapters of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban will be released on Pottermore.com.
Please make sure that you’ve collected all the items on your second-year shopping list in order to progress to the third book and explore these first chapters on Pottermore.com.
Share your excitement by spreading the news in the Great Hall and your common room. If you have Facebook and Twitter accounts, join the conversations happening there too!
Nous pouvons maintenant officiellement confirmer que vous serez en mesure d'explorer les premiers chapitres de Harry Potter et le Prisonnier d'Azkaban en totalité sur Pottermore.comà partir du jeudi 20 Décembre.
Assurez-vous que vous avez rassemblé tous les éléments de votre liste de courses deuxième année afin d'explorer ces premiers chapitres.
Possiamo ufficialmente confermare che potrai esplorare questo Momento interamente tuo da questo Giovedí, 20 Dicembre, quando verranno pubblicati i primi capitoli di Harry Potter e il prigioniero di Azkaban su Pottermore.com.
Per poter esplorare questi capitoli, assicurati di aver collezionato tutti gli oggetti della lista del secondo anno.”
Wir können nun offiziell bestätigen, dass du ab Donnerstag, dem 20.Dezember die Möglichkeit haben wirst, diesen Moment vollständig zu entdecken. Die ersten Kapitel aus Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban werden an diesem Datum auf Pottermore.com veröffentlicht.
Stelle sicher, dass du alle Gegenstände von deiner zweites Jahr - Einkaufsliste besitzt um Zugang zu diesen ersten Kapiteln zu erlangen.
Ahora podemos confirmar oficialmente que podrás explorar este Momento completo a partir de este Jueves 20 de Diciembre, fecha en la cual los primeros capítulos de Harry Potter y el Prisionero de Azkaban serán lanzados en Pottermore.com.
Asegúrate de que hayas recogido todos los articulos en la lista de compras de tu segundo año para poder explorar estos primeros capítulos.
Your votes are in and your chosen Moment is Hagrid's First Lesson:

In this Moment, Harry, Hermione, Ron and their classmates attend Hagrid’s first Care of Magical Creatures class and encounter the impressive Hippogriffs in their paddock.
We can now officially confirm that you’ll be able to explore this Moment in full for yourself from this Thursday, 20th December, when the first chapters of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban will be released on Pottermore.com.
Please make sure that you’ve collected all the items on your second-year shopping list in order to progress to the third book and explore these first chapters on Pottermore.com.
Share your excitement by spreading the news in the Great Hall and your common room. If you have Facebook and Twitter accounts, join the conversations happening there too!

Assurez-vous que vous avez rassemblé tous les éléments de votre liste de courses deuxième année afin d'explorer ces premiers chapitres.

Per poter esplorare questi capitoli, assicurati di aver collezionato tutti gli oggetti della lista del secondo anno.”

Stelle sicher, dass du alle Gegenstände von deiner zweites Jahr - Einkaufsliste besitzt um Zugang zu diesen ersten Kapiteln zu erlangen.

Asegúrate de que hayas recogido todos los articulos en la lista de compras de tu segundo año para poder explorar estos primeros capítulos.