House Pride Week always showcases the immense creativity of Pottermore members, and last week was no exception. We saw thousands of pictures, posts and Tweets showing your house pride throughout the week, and we’ve chosen some of our favourite displays to show here.
Submitted by: OakWolf6554b, WildLeviosa15463, MirrorRune28933 and HexAsh28465
House Pride Week may have ended but the fight for the Pottermore House Cup is still on! The house points have been concealed in the Great Hall in preparation for the announcement of the winning house this Friday, September 26 at 4pm GMT (1pm EST), so make the most of these last few days to earn as many house points on as you can!
We loved reading your proud comments in the Great Hall and in the Gryffindor common room:
These are some of our favourite Tweets showing your #GryffindorPride:
We really enjoyed this Gryffindor house pride video:
We loved reading your proud comments in the Great Hall and in the Ravenclaw common room:
These are some of our favourite Tweets showing your #RavenclawPride:
We really enjoyed this Ravenclaw house pride video:
We loved reading your proud comments in the Great Hall and in the Hufflepuff common room:
These are some of our favourite Tweets showing your #HufflepuffPride:
We really enjoyed this Hufflepuff house pride video:
We loved reading your proud comments in the Great Hall and in the Slytherin common room:
These are some of our favourite Tweets showing your #SlytherinPride:
We really enjoyed this Slytherin house pride video:
House Pride Week may have ended but the fight for the Pottermore House Cup is still on! The house points have been concealed in the Great Hall in preparation for the announcement of the winning house this Friday, September 26 at 4pm GMT (1pm EST), so make the most of these last few days to earn as many house points on as you can!
We loved reading your proud comments in the Great Hall and in the Gryffindor common room:
These are some of our favourite Tweets showing your #GryffindorPride:
#GryffindorPride I am BRAVE, I am LOYAL, and I will FIGHT for those I Love. I am a
— You know Who (@Jiiie_Arr) September 16, 2014
Happy day for best house, Gryffindor where dwell the brave of heart #GryffindorPride Great Hall stained red and gold
— Amalia BTR/JC (@Amaliaalmije46) September 16, 2014
show your Gryffindor Pride by dueling all day on pottermore (!!! we want the house cup!!! #GryffindorPride
— Brian⚽ (@boncay12) September 16, 2014
#GryffindorPride For me, Gryffindor is: my home, my source of bravery, my inspiration for EVERY day! I LOVE being part of Gryffindor ♡
— tonks (@acciowinky) September 16, 2014— robin carpenter (@Robinobandito) September 20, 2014
We really enjoyed this Gryffindor house pride video:

We loved reading your proud comments in the Great Hall and in the Ravenclaw common room:
These are some of our favourite Tweets showing your #RavenclawPride:
#HousePride Celebrating my Ravenclaw identity with my usual post-work routine: tea and a good book
— Ruth Helen (@RHWyss) September 17, 2014
@pottermore I knitted a Ravenclaw Scarf!
— Jennifer May (@JenjenMay) September 17, 2014
There isn't a better way to say "I'M RAVENCLAW"
— Princesa de azucar (@Martalikes) September 17, 2014
Oh yay! It's #RavenclawPride day! Here's me with my Ravenclaw scarf (movie house colors not book) in London
— Johnny (@johnnyb0731) September 17, 2014
Updating my twitter cover with the new @pottermore design today, as I do every year! Every day is #RavenclawPride day! Celebrate!
— Luisina (@Luisina08) September 17, 2014
We really enjoyed this Ravenclaw house pride video:

We loved reading your proud comments in the Great Hall and in the Hufflepuff common room:
Who wouldn't love the loyal Hufflepuff?
— Anya Ramius (@SilentFoxrose) September 18, 2014
Today is #HufflepuffPride day! RT if you're in #Hufflepuff.
— Harry Potter Memory (@PotterMemory) September 18, 2014
The best house <3
— Johanna Wiklund (@Miss_Wiklund) September 18, 2014
proud to be a Hufflepuff
— Marianna Vasileiou (@mvmarva) September 18, 2014
Showing the world how proud I am to be a Hufflepuff!
— ☆★SeriouslyNina★☆ (@NinaVanhoutte) September 18, 2014
We really enjoyed this Hufflepuff house pride video:

We loved reading your proud comments in the Great Hall and in the Slytherin common room:
These are some of our favourite Tweets showing your #SlytherinPride:
— Laura Shortridge (@DiscordianKitty) September 19, 2014
Slytherins slay. 🐍 RT is you're slytherin!
— asfa ❄ (@slytheriindraco) September 19, 2014
For the other houses, Green with envy on our day I leave you with this gift, To bid you all good day~
— ••ZOE•• (@A_Minnie_Writer) September 19, 2014
Slytherin pride day. Shoutout to my house.
— paul wesley. (@ItsAllTVD) September 19, 2014
— Paula 'Taire (@Bunyolet) September 19, 2014
We really enjoyed this Slytherin house pride video: