In the run up to awarding the fourth Pottermore House Cup we asked the Pottermore community to display their house pride, and we have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating each house and witnessing the amazing and diverse ways that proud Pottermore community members celebrate their affiliation.
To help you display your pride we shared some cover and background images for Facebook and Twitter profiles, which you can find here for Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. We also took a poll of some of your favourite wizards and witches from each house, challenged you to share your pride and gave the younger ones a creative challenge. Read on for our take on the best of house pride week!
Creative challenge
We prepared a creative challenge for younger members of the Pottermore community, and out of all submissions received, we’ve chosen eight of our favourites of each house crest and created the collages below.
This collage was made using the following submissions:
In order of appearance: ChaserSky39, DawnAuror7054, DragonNox29136, NewtMarauder140, PatronusSpell8915, MirrorDawn2242, SnitchNight5294 and ThornGlow12548.
This collage was made using the following submissions:
In order of appearance: ChaserSky39, ChevalierClÇ14767, DragonNox29136, DragonVine79, LightSand5166, NewtMarauder140, RookBronze9154 and SnidgetRune28278
This collage was made using the following submissions:
In order of appearance: AvisSpirit580, ChaserSky39, DragonNox29136, DustSnitch18261, HeartQuest150, NewtMarauder140, NightYew6883 and PurpleStorm24426
This collage was made using the following submissions:
In order of appearance: EyeDragon29190, NettleGold758, NewtMarauder140, SkyOwl31004, StarDust77, VifThorn14935, VolanteNox134 and WizardBlood11483
Thanks everyone for participating!
Poll Results
We organised a poll for each house asking the community to vote for their favourite witch or wizard from that house. You can find the results below.
Slytherin Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)
Severus Snape might not be everyone’s favourite professor in Potions classes, but the Pottermore community voted for him as their favourite Slytherin wizard in this poll.
Ravenclaw Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)
Garrick Ollivander was your favourite Ravenclaw wizard in our poll, and it comes as no surprise, given that his fine wands have been put to use by many members of the Pottermore community when duelling or brewing potions on
Gryffindor Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)
The witches were the stars in Gryffindor’s poll, being the two most popular choices of Pottermore community members. Hermione Granger was voted the most popular Gryffindor with more than 30% of the votes.
Hufflepuff Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)
Hogsmeade may be a favourite with Hogwarts students, but it seems that popularity isn’t enjoyed by its founder Hengist of Woodcroft. Instead, Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff’s Quidditch Captain, was voted as Hufflepuff’s favourite wizard in this poll.
Our favourite comments and tweets
Over 10,000 messages were shared about house pride week on Facebook and Twitter as well as, showing the great pride members take in belonging to their houses. These are some of our favourite messages from members of the community:
Slytherin House
Ravenclaw House
Gryffindor House
Hufflepuff House
To help you display your pride we shared some cover and background images for Facebook and Twitter profiles, which you can find here for Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. We also took a poll of some of your favourite wizards and witches from each house, challenged you to share your pride and gave the younger ones a creative challenge. Read on for our take on the best of house pride week!
We really hope that you enjoyed house pride week and now it’s time to take all your pride and turn your attention to the awarding of the Pottermore House Cup as every point earned still counts. In accordance with past award ceremonies, the hour-glasses displaying the house points will be concealed on Tuesday and the winner will be unveiled on Thursday in the Great Hall.
Creative challenge
We prepared a creative challenge for younger members of the Pottermore community, and out of all submissions received, we’ve chosen eight of our favourites of each house crest and created the collages below.
This collage was made using the following submissions:

This collage was made using the following submissions:
In order of appearance: ChaserSky39, ChevalierClÇ14767, DragonNox29136, DragonVine79, LightSand5166, NewtMarauder140, RookBronze9154 and SnidgetRune28278
This collage was made using the following submissions:
In order of appearance: AvisSpirit580, ChaserSky39, DragonNox29136, DustSnitch18261, HeartQuest150, NewtMarauder140, NightYew6883 and PurpleStorm24426
This collage was made using the following submissions:
In order of appearance: EyeDragon29190, NettleGold758, NewtMarauder140, SkyOwl31004, StarDust77, VifThorn14935, VolanteNox134 and WizardBlood11483
Thanks everyone for participating!
Poll Results
We organised a poll for each house asking the community to vote for their favourite witch or wizard from that house. You can find the results below.
Slytherin Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)
Severus Snape might not be everyone’s favourite professor in Potions classes, but the Pottermore community voted for him as their favourite Slytherin wizard in this poll.
Ravenclaw Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)
Gryffindor Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)
The witches were the stars in Gryffindor’s poll, being the two most popular choices of Pottermore community members. Hermione Granger was voted the most popular Gryffindor with more than 30% of the votes.
Hufflepuff Poll Results: Your favourite witch or wizard from our poll (Facebook and Pottermore Insider results)
Hogsmeade may be a favourite with Hogwarts students, but it seems that popularity isn’t enjoyed by its founder Hengist of Woodcroft. Instead, Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff’s Quidditch Captain, was voted as Hufflepuff’s favourite wizard in this poll.
Our favourite comments and tweets
Over 10,000 messages were shared about house pride week on Facebook and Twitter as well as, showing the great pride members take in belonging to their houses. These are some of our favourite messages from members of the community:
Slytherin House
@pottermore we won two of three House Cup, so why not this? We are Slytherins and never give up. #SlytherinPride
— FireboltSparks125 (@FireboltSparks) September 2, 2013
we don't know defeat, only delayed victory. #SlytherinPride
— Anna Francesca (@anna_cesca) September 2, 2013
'Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings' Salvador Dali. That's why I love being in #Slytherin#SlytherinPride@pottermore
— Rosie Bowern (@SpearmintThief) September 2, 2013
Ravenclaw House

@pottermore Even though I've completed formal schooling, I've never lost my love of learning, reading, and writing. #RavenclawPride
— Heather (@taskineko) September 3, 2013
Super excited to be back to school. No doubt im a ravenclaw... #ravenclawpride
— Maud Costa (@MaudCosta) September 3, 2013
I'm proud to be a Ravenclaw because It's hardwork, friends (no fights) and all the Ravenclaw are the sweetest people ever.💙 #ravenclawpride
— Lily Zo (@lilyz0) September 3, 2013
Gryffindor House

@pottermore I'm proud to be a lioness among those like Hermione and Neville! #gryffindorpride
— Mary (@Marikunin) September 4, 2013
Today's #GryffindorPride. I'm proud to be one of those, who don't step back before any danger think before give a hand to anyone needing it.
— Tony Fields (@escander_rebel) September 4, 2013
@pottermore Proud to be a Gryffindor because it reminds me to be brave when I don't feel particularly brave. #GryffindorPride
— Melissa Jay (@MelissaJay9) September 4, 2013
Hufflepuff House

I'm going to celebrate #HufflepuffPride day and nobody's going to stop me. 'Cause we're supposed to be "unafraid of toil." XD
— C'est Avril |April (@Viiresse) September 5, 2013
@pottermore Always noble and true to our friends :) We may be quiet but we are not weak because hard work is our thing! :D #HufflepuffPride
— Ana Escobar (@CEGuate_Fan) September 5, 2013
@pottermore Hufflepuffs are the most loyal, kindest, helpful and friendliest people ever. So proud to be a Hufflepuff #hufflepuffpride
— Nicole (@Niiikkkiii27) September 5, 2013